D&T Primary Self-Review Framework – making monitoring and evaluation easier and more effective.

D&T Primary Self-Review Framework – making monitoring and evaluation easier and more effective.

The Primary Self-Review Framework is designed to help you determine the quality and effectiveness of all aspects of Design and Technology provision in your school.

The Framework is a membership benefit.  This primary version is free to Primary School members.  A secondary version is free for Secondary Departmental members.   If you have Individual membership you can convert it to Primary School membership to take advantage of this valuable new benefit (see terms and conditions). 

At a cost the Self-Review Framework is available to other membership categories and non-members.  For further information please contact us.

The D&T Mark is a new quality mark which schools can apply for if they meet all the criteria in the Self-Review Framework.  

To find out more about the Self-Review Framework and benefits of becoming a D&T Mark School please go to the ‘About’ page.

What is the quality of D&T in your school?

Take the following quick-fire questions to get an instant overview of the strengths and areas for development in your D&T provision. It will only take you three to four minutes!

Begin statements


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